horses of the apocalypse, seven seals in revelation the colour matters.

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Horses of the apocalypse, and the seven seals in Revelation 6.

Why the colour matters, and who is it?

Updated 20July '12, after a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mohamed Mursi was elected president of Egypt.

It has been drawn to my attention over several months, and from different sources, that the Bible translators have been lax in their work and there are many things in the original that are just ignored by the translations as they don't seem to be part of the text, or are not considered important when it comes to getting full meaning from the text. These clues they have left out could become very important, warning us that there is an important understanding to be had by some research into the original text. I was alerted to the meaning of the colour by Out of Zion Ministries in their The CARMEL ALERT October 21st 2011
(Email: Website: Facebook: out.of.zion.ministries Twitter: outofzionmnstry)

One that is important in interpreting the present world situation is Revelation Ch.6, verse 8 concerning the Horses of the Apocalypse let loose on the world and it is easy to check up on. The fourth horse is normally translated as a pale horse so if you are trying to relate this to something in the world connected with Death and Hell, or Hades, as the rider and companion are named, you are being misled by the translators. They probably thought the colour was a mistake as they did not believe the word in the actual Greek, having never heard of a green horse, but the point is that it is not an actual horse, we use terms like "a stalking-horse" for some under cover movement or intention. Perhaps a political or spiritual power is more appropriate than "horse" in our way of thinking. The actual Greek is pale green horse, and the character is that the rider is named Death, and his companion is the Grave or Hades. This is about physical death as we humans will experience.

 jpg of Rev Ch6 
from The Interlinear Greek_English New Testament,
1974 edition showing _horse a pale green.

Rev Ch6 from "The Interlinear Greek_English New Testament" 1974 edition showing "horse a pale green".
The New Living Translation also has "pale green".

If you are watching the news on TV and looking for a pale horse that is connected with death and the grave you won't find it but look for "green" connected with death, murder, manslaughter, suicide bombing and you will see these attributes are connected with green, it is their colour, and also in the flags of several nations that follow that violent religion. Given that this is preceded by a white horse whose rider rode out to conquer, then a red horse to take piece from the earth, and the Black horse to ration food and this will seem a reasonable description of world events that must vastly exceed anything the world experienced previously. None of these are actual horses.

I had thought that the green in middle east flags was a mid green and was therefore a bit dubious about it, but this was suddenly cleared up. A new president, Mohamed Mursi was elected in Egypt, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, and people were waving flags in the square, plain LIGHT GREEN flags.

Light green flags of the Muslim Brotherhood
The Muslim Brotherhood declared that Jerusalem will be their capital city. They have the usual Muslim aim to take all of the land given to Israel as a homeland, and drive all Jews into the sea. This is Satans attempt to block the Messiah from achieving His stated aim of blessing the nation of Israel, being the Jews in the land promised to them by God for ever. The Messiah is not on the earth, but will come at the last minute to rescue Israel from almost the entire world's armies. He waits that long to ensure that all those against God are identified and most are on the battle field, and will be destroyed. Read Zechariah Chapter 14 for a description of the outcome.

I don't know the identity of the White horse this may be the nations trying to set up a one world government and financial system thereby conquering the world, and may still be in the background. The red horse has taken peace from the earth, financial world problems, unemployment as tariffs are lifted or changed, and manufacturing and therefore jobs, moved to cheaper locations, and also robotics and mechanisation reduce the need for labour.

The country or force that I think is most likely the RED horse is Communism. The Russians have been supplying arms to the Taliban and middle east countries for many years. Perhaps their thinking is to create strife and so weaken the USA as they fight what they think is a small national group that can easily be put down, and thereby restore peace to that country. In reality they are fighting the Russians, the middle east petro-dollars, and the forerunners of the Light Green Horse, denoted by the mid-green in many of their flags. Now America has "home grown" terrorists inspired and driven by the "light green Horse", over the internet or in the mosques, and as technology gets more complex and miniaturised the job of defence becomes more expensive and uncertain. The RED horse has been stalking America for most of the last hundred years, by confrontation, and then by standing back and getting other nations to do the fighting, while profiting from arms sales.
If this is so then the White Horse was let loose early last century, but I don't know enough about history to make a guess at who that might have been.

The Black horse is having a 'field day'.

The Black horse is having a 'field day in Africa where lack of rain has meant little food, and also Power struggles as people are prevented from growing crops, and often many are being murdered by armies that want to control land, and seem to want to exterminate whole races. Bokko Haram is one example, they attack the mainly Christian South, blowing up churches and people, or riding through on motorcycles shooting as they go.
Monsoon rains in Pakistan have wiped out food and Farms for the second year and severe floods in other countries have crippled food supplies, droughts and severe dust storms and in the USA droughts have ruined farming in whole states. Earthquakes have helped with this problem, coupled with world financial crises, to make the world feel that peace has escaped from us. Can anyone help in identifying the Black Horse? Does it have an identity, or is it just a set of circumstances?

The 5th seal reveals:

The 5th seal reveals the slain because of the word of God i.e. being Christians. This has always been common in Moslem countries and increasing for many years but is reaching new heights as the 'Islamic Spring' (world disaster) becomes more radical and vicious, destroying churches and killing Christians, Jews, and other beliefs without cause, except that Moslem violence, domination and Sharia Law are showing their true colours of hatred and violence. I had thought that these slain was referring to those slain after the rapture, that is after the snatching away, at the start of the second half of the seven year peace agreement with Israel, when the trading mark would have become compulsory. As this hasn't happened yet and obviously the events of the sixth seal have not, ( Revelation Ch.6 versus 12 and 14 ) we are somewhere after the four horses have been let loose but have not yet reached their full potential, meaning in my present estimate, things will continue to get much worse until we get a brief respite when the seven year peace agreement is reached or imposed upon the Palestinians and Israel. Israel has always wanted peace, just stop attacking them and there will be peace. Since the Palestinians often state that they will drive the Jews into the sea and take all the land for themselves, and have always refused to acknowledge that Israel has a right to exist, this will be difficult to accomplish. The actual timing of the whole of Revelation Ch.6 is uncertain, it could be building up over many years, as I believe, and then suddenly progress very fast, particularly after the "snatching away" or Rapture, as the disappearance of so many people will galvanise world leaders into desperate action to establish absolute control, and explain away, or blame someone hostile to their power, for the disappearance, perhaps even aliens, but never that the God of creation took them.

It seems that a world leader will make a 'Seven Year Peace Agreement' with the Palestinians and Israel, and also that a trading mark will be introduced which is not compulsory but will replace credit cards and the like enabling people to access their financial accounts by the mark being read by computer terminals. This is specified as being in the right hand or in the forehead and it could be something like the RFID chips that can be placed in animals or products and packaging for stock records or for identification. Such a chip would store people's account numbers, passwords and their names and address and where they were born and would enable tracking them and all their purchases. When you see this peace agreement established mark off 3 1/2 years and then look for a world leader who will desecrate the Temple which the Jews will have built. After those 3 1/2 years the trading mark will become compulsory, and refusing it will mean that you have turned against the government, and you will be executed if you refuse to repent and accept the mark. But take careful note that this was written up in the Bible 2000 years ago and you are warned very sternly that if you take the mark you have joined forces against God and therefore you cannot have your salvation but will be thrown into the lake of fire for all eternity. Ps. it may not be a lake see Lake of Fire? Could there be any such thing?? Two alternatives.

The initial place for the dead is in the bottomless pit which is in the middle of the earth, and therefore from the centre it is always up to the top and therefore there is no bottom to the pit. You are inside a sphere. After this world is finished with, and judgement has been carried out, which is about 1000 years into our future, the place of the unredeemed (not saved by God) dead is said to be in the lake of fire. The sun is an example of a lake of fire. The British have put satellites on opposite sides of the sun so they can see what is going on at all times. This gives them warning off magnetic storms that might affect the Earth it also shows huge flame-like eruptions that can go thousands of miles out into space. This gives it an appearance of a lake of fire and just as in a lake of water the deeper you go the greater the pressure but it is still water, as you go deeper into the sun it is still like a lake of fire under greater pressure with violent eruptions.

I do not believe
that this is the lake of fire as it is said that the sun flees away, I assume that it might be drawn into what is called a 'black hole' which may be approaching us in time to receive the sun and about 1000 years time so don't worry about it, will not happen in our earthly lifetime. The Spirit in you, and is you, and raises you above the intelligence level of the animals, apes etc included, is guaranteed to live for ever, it is just where, that has to be decided by God, but here and now you can choose where, choose life with God. Don't "sit on the fence" as God has a very different view of sin to us, and you might be just a bit too far on the wrong side, as the good and bad in your life are not balanced, it is your decision to honour God that matters.

"I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned to red, and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by strong winds. The sky receded like a scroll rolling up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. Then the kings of the earth the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and every freeman hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. They called to the mountains and the rocks "fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come and who can stand?" (Revelation Ch.6:v12 to 17.)

The "end times" are also covered in Ezekiel Ch. 38 and Ch. 39, a prophetic view of attacks against Israel after they are returned to the Promised Land. The wars being described cannot be written off as history, as nothing like that has happened yet. Then Chapters 40 through to 47, incl. describe a magnificent Temple far larger that ever before, which has not been built yet, so look forward to it, but you have to be here after all the end time wars, into the time when the Messiah rules the whole world.

I believe that the 6th. seal happens at the end of the seven year peace agreement, the last three and a half years being more than stressful. No one can tell when these things will happen, so there may be quite a few years before the seven year agreement. However I don't think that the build up against Israel by so many evil nations (they have taken a stand against God's chosen people) can go much longer without an all out battle to try to remove Israel. Even the USA is trying to divide the land, bring condemnation on themselves.
You are warned in the Bible to be ready, because you cannot tell when disaster will strike, and when it does you will be so busy trying to avoid it that you won't have time to talk to God, unless you are already in contact on a regular basis.

1 Thessalonians Ch5. v3 "While people are saying "peace and safety" , destruction will come upon them suddenly, as labour pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape"
V20 "do not treat prophecies with contempt,"
God has been very good at bringing all his prophecies to pass, and will continue to do so. One obvious one is that He brought His people back into His Holy Land after nearly 2000 years of dispersion throughout the world.

The last warning to you:
Revelation chapter 13v 8: "All inhabitants of the Earth will worship the beast, - whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world. He who has a ear let him hear."

Take heed, there is a great deal at stake, and though God is more than willing to forgive you and redeem you, there comes a time when He has to close off the entries to the Book of Life, and then judgement follows. You don't have to pay for your sins in God's sight as Jesus has paid for them for all eternity, the only sin God will hold against you is not accepting the work of Jesus, in His offer of eternal redemption. You need to repent, accept Jesus as your Lord and ask Jesus to help you to become what He wants you to be. God wants your worship because you are not likely to rebel against the one you worship, and if you can't worship Him then it is not safe to take you into Heaven, as you are not a trusted friend.

Read up on the "End Times" so it won't take you by surprise, it may be much closer than we think.

For help in this decision go to verses Biblical verses and guidance that will help you to decide your future.

Your comments, for or against, welcome.

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Creation Covers just about everything on evolution/ Creation/ Inteligent Design/ God. Access to the Magazine articles. More technical and scientific. effort to correct some of the problems with evolutionists more fanciful claims. scientific articles, and free Email news articles on research reports from scientific papers. Numerous articles on questions about evolution and ID, and Christianity.Good emails on latest science. Also on   and articles on

Out of Zion Ministries The CARMEL ALERT email about what is happening in Israel.
(Email: Facebook: out.of.zion.ministries Twitter: outofzionmnstry) Good scientific articles related to various aspects of science, besides those listed here.

  • Hydrothermal Origin of Life? The chemistry and theory of the situation.
  • Why Abiogenesis Is Impossible. Scientific details of the problem of the accidental start of life.
  • Origin of Life: Instability of Building Blocks.
  • ATP: The Perfect Energy Currency for the Cell. short articles on the aspect of Jihad, and the dangers to our society of ignoring what is going on .
    You get some surprising insights. One is:-
    "According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt's Great Pyramids or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi'i, those "symbols of paganism," which Egypt's Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax. Most recently, Bahrain's "Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs" and President of National Unity, Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud, called on Egypt's new president, Muhammad Morsi, to "destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what Amr bin al-As could not."

    Perhaps this is because Muslims have never built anything so grand, and none of their works will stand for a thousand years. Muslims are even destroying the graves of notable Muslims! A disastrous tale of woe. Make sure you don't get caught out with one of these Bible verses that warn of the loss of salvation.

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